This article describes a use case scenario, and how Simple Check can be configured to meet the criteria.

Use Case

You must maintain a disinfection log. Perhaps it was worded something like this: "Responsible Parties must maintain logs that include the date, time and scope of cleaning and disinfection, as well as identify cleaning and disinfection frequency for each facility and area type and assign responsibility staff."

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is written that that identifies the frequency, procedures, area types and responsible staff. Perhaps a condensed version that summarizes, and references, the full SOP is created as well.

Option 1

Log at the building level. This option could be done at the end of each shift and would certify that the SOP was followed. 

Configure Simple Check in the following way:

  1. Create Location Tags in the Tree Manager, one top-level tag for each building to be audited.
  2. Create a new checklist
    1. Name it and attach the (condensed) SOP
    2. Create checklist items that meet your criteria. 
      1. A short checklist could be as simple as "Was the SOP followed"?
        • Options would be simple choices "Compliant" "Non-Compliant"
      2. A longer checklist might list the possible area types in the building
        • Options could be Compliant / Non-Compliant, with perhaps a Neutral setting for "Out of Spec" to indicate areas that did not need to be cleaned at this frequency.
  3. Invite each building supervisor to join the company. 
  4. Each day that cleaning was performed against the SOP, the building supervisor will complete the checklist.
  5. A report to show the logs, with a reference to the SOP, would fulfill a potential audit.

This option would fall into the pricing plan for #buildings x #days in a month.

Option 2

Log at the shift or zone level.  This option could be done at the end of each shift to ensure that each zone or shift's criteria was covered.  

Configure Simple Check in the following way:

  1. Create Location Tags in the Tree Manager, one top-level tag for each team to be audited.
  2. Create a new checklist
    1. Name it and attach the (condensed) SOP
    2. Create checklist items for each member or zone of the team. 
      1. Consider naming the checklist items as names that will not change often, i.e. "Zones 1 & 2" instead of "Frank Miller"
    3. The options for each items would indicate compliance or not against the SOP, perhaps with a 3rd option indicating that team or zone was out of scope for this particular checklist.
  3. Invite each team lead or zone supervisor to join the company. 
  4. Each day that cleaning was performed against the SOP, the building supervisor will complete the checklist.
  5. A report to show the logs, with a reference to the SOP, would fulfill a potential audit.

This option would fall into the pricing plan for #supervisors x #days cleaning in a month. Only the supervisors will complete the checklists, containing 5, 10, 20 "checkpoints" in the SOP. 

Option 3

Log at the area level as they are cleaned.. This option would be extremely detailed and require many more checklists to be completed. It would also allow more specific checks for when an area was last cleaned.

Cleaners will need a device to complete these checklists. Do they use their own? Will one be provided?

Configure Simple Check in the following way:

  1. Create a very large hierarchy of Location Tags in the Tree Manager. This would map out your entire cleanable space inventory.
    1. Only include cleanable spaces to reduce the number of choices for users.
    2. Have your lists ready in Excel or elsewhere, to utilize the Paste tool rather than typing each new tag individually.
  2. Create checklists for each space type.
    1. Spaces that are cleaned the same way could share a checklist. For example, classrooms and break rooms might have a similar SOP compared to restrooms or locker rooms.
    2. A more specific SOP could be attached for each checklist type to capture the scope of cleaning required.
  3. Invite each cleaner to join the company. 
  4. Each cleaner will fill out each checklist after cleaning each space.
  5. The reporting tool will be very verbose. Use the filters to find a particular space (or branch of the tree), or to view the checklists completed by a specific cleaner.

This option's pricing would be calculated by #spaces at each frequency, as determined in the SOP. For example:

30x classrooms disinfected 2x week = 240/month
4 break rooms disinfected 1x per school day = 88/month

10 restrooms disinfected 2x per school day = 420/month

And so on.  The sum of all those checklists would indicate the estimated plan level.