Results of completed checklists can be found on the Reports page. The current state of the checklist will be used to display the data of completed checklists.


By default, only the past 30 days of checklists will be visible. Clicking on the calendar icon next to the dates will allow a new range to be selected.

The "Performed By" dropdown will show checklists that were completed only by the user selected.

If Location Tagging is used on this checklist, one can filter through the tree to find specific results. As branches are selected, any checklist that has the same selections will be visible. For example, if selecting a building and floor but not a room, any checklist for any room will be shown so long as that building and floor matches. If a room is then selected in the filter, only checklists for that specific room are shown. 

Each completed checklist will fill a row of the table. Here you can see the Tagged Information, when it was completed, who completed the checklist and their answers.  Hover over any "sticky note" icon to read a comment. Click on any picture icon to view the photo.