A Checklist can be assigned to a Location for organizational purposes.  To reflect the arrangement of spaces in your facility, a Location Hierarchy can be created, where locations can be nested within other locations, for example to show different areas of a single building.

When a new checklist is started, the user will be prompted to choose a location from the Location Hierarchy assigned to the checklist.

To create or edit a Location Hierarchy, choose a checklist to edit and then select the "Location & QR Codes" tab.  The 'Location Hierarchy' box shows the currently selected Location Hierarchy, if one is assigned.

Clicking the button will bring up the Location Hierarchy editor.

In the editor screen:

Click the + icon to add a single new location inside the currently selected location (or a new top level location if using the + icon at the top title bar).

Click the clipboard icon to add multiple new locations inside the currently selected location (or multiple new top level locations), using a multiple line text entry field.

Click the trash can icon to delete a location.  If the location has additional locations inside it, all those additional locations will be deleted at the same time.